Development of personality is a pre-condition for a successful performance to enter the world of competiton. Keeping this in view, Manas Academy has made it mandatory for every students of the School to participate in the personality development programme to help culture, self-assertion and grip in practical life.
Individual care are taken for each student to help remove the deficiencies and improve performance. Regular internal evaluation amd practical examination are held for regular evaluation amd further improvement.
Teacher-student ratio
The teacher-student ratio is maintained at 1:25. A fixed number of 50 students are admitted into a class.
Written tests
Written test begins in Class-I.
Counseling to students
Each teacher assumes the responsibility of counseling of 10-15 students, on all matters, continuously for a period of six years as they move from Class-V to Class-X.
09 Dec' 2000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Recusandae.
09 Dec' 2000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Recusandae.
09 Dec' 2000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Recusandae.
09 Dec' 2000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Recusandae.